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WinQuota 4.5 - disk quota management software
Key features (full list)
limit the maximal size of each file or directory
set up different limit values for different users
set up different limit values for different groups
serve any existing user or group credentials from domains
WinQuota quota management tool
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    Table of contents

    Understanding Quota Management

    Any type of subject can be specified, including local or domain users and groups. Typical settings are shown below:

    All quota changes will be verified every time user performs any file operation. If no settings were applied for the user, the primary group will be inspected. If no limits found, all group limitations will be checked for all groups, containing user credentials that are currently operated. And if none of these settings are found, “anyone” credential will be used to check quota limitations.

    Settings displayed above will be applied to all files and sub-directories recursively in “C:\QTEST” directory. All other subjects which are not gained into administrators, power users or guests, will have only “Anyone” limitations (for example, there are Domain Admins).

    Choosing directory

    So Windows Explorer is used with extensions to standard Properties dialog, as the following picture demonstrates:

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    Managing Quota Settings

    The “Managing quota settings” form contains the following controls (see the image below):

    • Checkbox “Enable quota management”. It indicates if quota checks will be used automatically.
    • Checkbox “Deny disk space to users exceeded quota limit”. This checkbox indicates if all writing requests that exceed quota settings will be declined.
    • 3 buttons on the right of the form allow add, remove or change quota settings record.
    • List with quota settings currently applicable for specified directory.

    Additionally, actions being executed over push-buttons introduced above allow showing several slave dialogs. There are credentials choosing dialog and quota entity editing dialog.

    Adding new Quota Entity

    Credential choosing dialog allows enumerating of all users in the system, including local users and groups, domain users and groups (in the case computer is involved into corporal network). WinQuota works with domain structure from NT4WS to WinXP, including Active Directory support. This dialog supports asynchronous data retrieval mechanisms, and hierarchical representation of users, domains and groups as shown below:

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    Changing Existing Quota Entity Values

    Quota settings dialog provides basic facilities to change quota settings:

    This dialog shows the initial path related to quota checks being modified, user, credentials belong to, and current settings applied already. You can apply the suffixes (K - kilobytes, M - megabytes, G - gigabytes) to specify limits.

    Managing notifications

    Since WinQuota 2.0, the new mechanism is available to receive notifications in the case soft quota limits exceeded. WinQuota provides UI to manage notifications, including 'any user defined' notification programs.

    At the time a soft quota limit is exceeded WinQuota launches all specified notification scripts (it can be any programs or scripts being supported by Windows Scripting Host), and passes detailed information about user, directory, quota limits and excess values.

    WinQuota provides ability to manage notifications as it is displayed in the following picture:

    Here you are able to manage all notifications that were registered for WinQuota. To see explanation of the parameters being assumed by your program, please take a look to the following table:

     Parameter  Description
     %1  directory with soft limit exceeded
     %2  user reaches soft limit
     %3  occupied size

    Adding new notification

    To add new notifications just type the script you need to be executed, or use “Browse” button to select it.

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