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WinQuota 4.5 - disk quota management software
Key features (full list)
limit the maximal size of each file or directory
set up different limit values for different users
set up different limit values for different groups
serve any existing user or group credentials from domains
WinQuota quota management tool
WinQuota - disk quota utility download Buy WinQuota now
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  • no limitations by processor
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  • Installation Guide for WinQuota

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    WinQuota is closely integrated with Windows, and doesn't provide any "wizards" to manage quota settings; all controls are available through Windows Explorer property sheet.

    Please, follow the installation instruction stated below and configure your directory quotas fast.

    • Just download WinQuota and you'll find a self-installation executable file.
    • Please, launch it as usual, and follow the wizard step by step. We suggest keeping all default values (for evaluation you don't need to change anything; if you bought WinQuota, just type the serial number and all the necessary information). The typical options are shown in the following pictures:

    winquota setup screenshot 1

    winquota setup screenshot 2

    winquota setup screenshot 3

    winquota setup screenshot 4

    winquota setup screenshot 5

    winquota setup screenshot 6

    winquota setup screenshot 7

    winquota setup screenshot 8

    As the WinQuota software is installed at your computer, WinQuota limitations can be configured:

    • As installation completes, launch your Windows Explorer, and choose a folder you need to be limited by size.
    • Invoke standard context menu (right mouse click), and select the “Properties” menu item, as shown in the following picture:

      setting folder quotas via windows explorer

    • Choose “Quota” inlay:

      setting folder quota

    • Press “+” button, and specify the subject to be limited (keep “Everyone” if you need to limit directory for all users):

      user quota management

    • Specify the limits you need (in megabytes, gigabytes or kilobytes - as you prefer; just type the value “100M” to limit directory capacity to 100 megabytes):

      limiting folder space quota

    • Press “Ok” button to close properties window.
    • Now you have directory limited to 100M (or any other value you typed above).

    Please, refer to User Guide (it is shipped with WinQuota, and is available online) for screenshots and detailed explanations.

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