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WinQuota 4.5 - disk quota management software
Key features (full list)
limit the maximal size of each file or directory
set up different limit values for different users
set up different limit values for different groups
serve any existing user or group credentials from domains
WinQuota quota management tool
WinQuota - disk quota utility download Buy WinQuota now
  • 1 year support of all present features
  • free updates and bug fixes
  • no limitations by processor
    Action! $199/server
  • WinQuota - disk quota utility download Download trial (2,2 MB)
  • $0
  • limited support
  • limited functionality when trial period expires
  • WinQuota Professional

    WinQuota Professional is a totally automatic and real-time disk quota management mechanism. Designed especially for administration, WinQuota Professional provides quota management for folders and files separately for any kind of users, groups, including support of Windows Domains and Active Directory network users.

    WinQuota Professional guards disk space for any system wide process and provides the way to keep the system in a safe state from disasters like disk overflows. Usually if some service has eaten all disk space, other services fail too. But with WinQuota all other services will work continuously even if some service eats its limits

    WinQuota Professional has friendly interface and wide range of useful features. Ability to generate reports gives an opportunity to hold composite analysis on space usage and monitor usage statistic.

    WinQuota Professional provides:

    • Real time hard and soft limits support
    • Notifications (including 3rd party scripts and programs)
    • Exclude lists support
    • Complete domain and Active Directory support
    • Detailed statistic and tips

    All kind of Windows servers are supported by WinQuota Professional, including Windows 2000, and Windows 2003, Windows 2008 with Pentium processor.

    WinQuota Professional - disk space management utility view

    Read more  |  Download free trial (3,2 MB)  |  Buy WinQuota Professional now

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